Pax Britannia

Wargaming in Britain 400-1066AD

SAGA & Song of Arthur and Merlin

When SAGA was announced it really appealed to my sense of aesthetics. A small game with a large potential that used a reasonable number of figures (17-70) and played on a table that people could have at home. I pre-ordered it and then went into the game full of enthusiasm. About the same time other projects hit the workbench and so the project was shelved and the figures used on the Dux/Impetus project.


Recently I pulled out some of the unpainted figures from Crusader and have been pottering with them. I ordered two packs of bowmen and now have enough figures for an 8 point Viking force. So far the painting has been much slower than expected. The leader and two points of hearthguard have arrived in the completed box. Two further points of hearthguard are almost finished – a small but playable force. These will be finished over the next two days. Once these are sorted I will then move to produce 4 points for the Saxon force.

Once I have 6 points for each I will be looking to revisit my love for Song of Blades and Heroes – particularly the Daniel Mersey supplement Song of Arthur and Merlin. This is a wonderful adaptation of the SOBH engine for the Arthurian environment.

SAM front cover ebook

These rules cover the “historical” Arthur, the Welsh King and the Hollywood medieval Arthur. Originally these were a sourcebook for the SOBH main rulebook but are now available as a stand-alone miniatures game. They are well supported by an active Yahoo Group.

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